Learn how to use all of WaNeuro's instruments
WaNeuro product knowledge base with recommendations on working with the system for our customers
When you work as a team it is very important to work from one dashboard collaboratively, tracking stats, reports and launching new mailing lists
3) What permits are available
- Dashboard (statistics)
- WhatsApp all about working with mailing list and adding accounts
- Accounts account management
- File Manager (Add and delete photos)
- Group Accounts (Merge accounts into groups)
- Templates (Create new template messages)
Teams (Add and edit team members) - Short Links (Conduct integration with your short link service)
- OpenAI (Ability to create texts based on OpenAI)
If you do frequent mailings of similar messages you can save them as templates and use them later at your convenience
3) How to save the written text as a template from the post writing panel
- Once you have written the text of the message to be sent out
- Click on “save template”.
- In the opened window type in the name of the
- Template
All the template is saved and can now be usedAll the template is saved and can now be used
If you have several accounts or you do different mailings, let’s say partly on iPhones partly on Androids, create 2 groups or more and distribute the accounts for ease of customization
2) List of supported file formats
- jpeg
- gif
- png
- jpg
- mp4
- csv
- mp3
5) A complete breakdown of the interface!
- Select 1 or more files to delete
- Internal photo editor
- Photo info and add “Tags”
- Select all files
- Delete selected files
- Add a separate folder for photos (easy to select)
- Bulk photo upload
- Upload photo by URL
- Create photo with ADOBE editor
- Search a file by name
- Search files by Format